Verified Reviews for Proven Performance

4.98 average
213 reviews

I've been using Biochar from Tree of Life Biotech for the past season, and the results have been outstanding.

John Mitchell

TOL Biotech's Biochar has been a game-changer for our farm. The soil quality has never been better.

Emily Rodriguez

I was skeptical about using Biochar at first, but Tree of Life Biotech's product has exceeded my expectations.

David Thompson

Using Biochar from TOL Biotech has transformed our gardening practices. The soil is richer and more fertile, and our vegetables are healthier.

Sarah Lee

As an advocate for sustainable farming, I can't recommend Tree of Life's Biochar enough. It's an eco-friendly product that supports soil health and product quality.

Mark Evans

"Mightier than the tread of marching armies, is the power of an idea whose time has come."
(Victor Hugo)

Cultivating Tomorrow's Food Security, TODAY!

Welcome to Tree of Life Biotechnology, Empowering Sustainable Agriculture & Home Gardening for ALL

At Tree of Life (TOL), we believe in empowering individuals and communities through sustainable and innovative agricultural solutions. Our mission is to make home gardening accessible and efficient, ensuring that everyone can play a part in securing our planet’s food future. “A nation without food security, is a nation without national security”!

Tree of Life starts with turning dirt which is dead, into soil which is alive and will allow plants to thrive and reach their maximum potential for quality, nutrient content, as well as taste & smell. The ultimate material matrix which brings an abundance of life and sustenance to the soil to new levels, is an organic nano-carbon called “Biochar, The New Black Gold”.

Food Security & Independence: Home Gardening With Our Biochar

Why Home Gardening Matters? Because You Are What You Eat!

In an ever-changing world, the importance of self-sufficiency and sustainability has never been more crucial. Home gardening is not just a hobby; it's a vital step towards achieving food security for all. Here’s why:

  • Reliable Food Supply: Growing your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs ensures a steady supply of fresh, nutritious produce right from your backyard or balcony, reducing dependency on external sources.
  • Healthier Living: Home-grown produce is free from harmful pesticides and chemicals, providing a healthier option for you and your family. Its also a great way to engage children in gardening which fosters a deeper connection to nature and teaches them valuable skills that can save lives. Plus, gardening itself is a great form of physical exercise and a stress reliever.
  • Environmental Benefits: By growing your own food, you contribute to reducing the carbon footprint associated with transporting and storing commercial produce. Home gardens also promote biodiversity and help in conserving local ecosystems.
  • Cost-Effective: Investing in a home garden saves money in the long run. The cost of seeds and supplies is minimal compared to the ongoing expenses of buying fresh produce from stores.
  • Community Resilience: Encouraging home gardening fosters a sense of community and shared purpose. Neighbors can share tips, trade produce, and support each other in creating a sustainable local food network.

The Many Benefits of Using Our Premium Biochar for Gardens & Crops

Scientific studies have proven the many benefits of using BioChar in agricultural crops to include:

  • Improving soil fertility, and increasing yields per acre.
  • The trapping of water and fertilizer in the vicinity of the root zone, and their release according to the requirement of the plant, thus preventing leaching into, and contaminating ground water, and preventing costly waste of valuable resources.
  • Superior and quicker plant growth, and the development of strong and healthy roots.
  • Prosperity and increase of microorganisms, and reduction of soil acidity.
  • Significant savings in water, and fertilizer consumption, resulting in lowering per acre production costs and increased profits.
  • Organic Agriculture.
  • Desert Agriculture.

Tree of Life is featuring and promoting the most advance BioChar manufacturing technology, and the premium products that will allow the home gardener or farmer to invest in the soil, while reaping all the many benefits for a lifetime with a one time investment.

Not All Biochar’s Are Created Equal

As Biochar is also known as the New Black Gold, the last 10 years has seen a gold rush into this industry with many companies having little or no knowledge and experience in the science and engineering behind the manufacturing of premium engineered organic Biochar. Unfortunately, most companies in the world (over 350) produce a very poor quality and consistency of Biochar with a low carbon and high ash content, as well as low surface area.

In many cases the Biochar sold comes from power plant boiler ash or is manufactured using sewage sludge as the feedstock which can be very high in heavy metals and other chemicals (VOC’s) such as PFAS (the forever chemicals) which can cause crop damage and contamination of the soil and the food grown in such soil.

Not All Biochar’s Are Created Equal

Another problem is that most manufacturers of Biochar flash the feedstock in a pyrolysis kiln at 500-800 degrees F for only 5-10 minuets, which doesn’t burn away all the tars and lignins in the nanotube structures (sponge-like pores) of the Biochar which is so important for the colonization of micro-organisms which are responsible for nutrient cycling to provide the required nutrients to plants. The pores of the Biochar are essentially clogged up with all the tars & lignins which essentially render the nano tubes and active surface area useless to micro-biology while also diminishing it's capacity to adsorbed nutrients for slow release to the plants, or in applications like remediation of soil & water from toxic chemicals & heavy metals which bind and encapsulates them.

Not All Biochar's Are Created Equal

These unique qualities of our Biochar allow it to act as a sentinel and guard for soil health by providing a bank of organic nutrients for release to the plants when needed on demand, while extracting harmful, poisonous chemicals and heavy metals from entering the food supply.

Our proprietary patented batch process uses a AI driven process recipe which utilizes slow pyrolysis over a period of 8 hours slowly raising the temperature to over 1,200 degrees F which produces an Engineered Premium Organic Biochar which has many unique qualities NOT found in any other known Biochar to date, and include:

  • Being both cationic & anionic
  • High surface area of between 300-500 square meters per gram
  • 87%+ Carbon Content
  • Low ash content of 1.5%
  • Extremely high porosity
  • High cation exchange capacity (CEC)
  • Binds to Salts & Phosphates
  • Absorbs almost 6 times its weight in water
  • 3rd party lab certified to have a 17,000 year half-life
  • Verified, Certified, and Insured Carbon Credits

Tested, Certified, and Trusted Globally

Featured in The News & The Discovery Channel

Biochar Now in the news
Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs Visits Biochar Now Featured on the Discovery Channel

Industries We Serve

Government Agencies

Partner with us to develop sustainable agriculture initiatives with farmers/ranchers and enhance food security in your communities. Encourage the construction industry with financial incentives to utilize Biochar to be added to concrete and asphalt in order to substantially improve these building materials while making them carbon neutral or even carbon negative and qualifying for receiving carbon credits which can be sold or traded in the international markets giving further financial incentives to adopt Biochar for their industries.

Farmers & Growers

Experience the transformative powers of Biochar in your fields, greenhouses, and gardens. Decrease water and fertilizer inputs by 50%+ while increasing yields by 100% or more. Farmers/Ranchers sign up for the USDA Carbon Soil Amendment Practice 336 program which will pay for you to apply Biochar to your crops and forests as a one time procedure with a lifetime of benefits. Tree of Life will assist and guide you through the process.

Research Institutions

Collaborate with us on groundbreaking research to advance sustainable regenerative agriculture and build a healthier future and guarantee food security for the growing world population. Collaborate with us on groundbreaking research to advance the use of our premium engineered Biochar for its many uses in the construction field, soil and water remediation of heavy metals and toxic chemicals, green energy storage (batteries), hydrogen fuel cells, medical & pharmaceutical application, desalination of sea water, etc.

Industrial Manufacturing Industries

Due to the physical, chemical, and electrical properties of our Premium Engineered Biochar among them being both cationic & anionic and having a very large active surface area per gram, allows it to be used in many industrial applications that include the construction industry, steel & aluminum industry, cardboard box industry, sewage treatment industry, pharmaceutical industry, soil & water remediation industry, and many others.

We work hand in hand with various industries to provide them with the finest quality and consistency Biochar in the world which can enhance and improve their products and services while reducing costs and substantially reducing or neutralizing their current carbon footprint. We can also produce specialized engineered Biochar with specific qualities and characteristics according to the clients needs & requirements.  

Lawn Care & Golf Courses

Usage of our Biochar with a national lawn care company shows a 100% increase in turf growth with less than 2% volume of Biochar in the root zone. Usage with golf courses show a reduction of turf water usage of at least 50% with 3 % volume of our Biochar in the root zone. The application of the Biochar is a one-time procedure with a lifetime of benefits. Using our Biochar for lawn care will not only save half on water, but also on fertilizer costs as currently more than 80% of the fertilizers used leaches into the soil and is wasted, while at the same time contaminating our water aquifers. 


The Versatile Applications of Our Premium Engineered Biochar

Awards & Accolades

Our Partner BioChar Now Wins the 2022 THRIVE Global Impact Award

"Biochar Now LLC is honored to have won the People's Choice Award from The Global Impact Challenge! It is an honor to be recognized as a top 10 clean tech technology in the world out of over 500 other technologies. It is especially humbling to be favored by the public in what we do compared to all the other technologies. Thank you for your support!"

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Biochar Now Featured in Newsweek's Innovation Section